Fix Negative Keywords

Opteo has detected a number of negative keywords that include a +, indicating an intention to add them as modified broad negatives. Modified broad is not a Google Ads negative match type. Click Fix Negative Keywords to replace these keywords with phrase match negatives.

Replace With
Shared Set Shared Set +download "download"
Shared Set Shared Set +downloader "downloader"
Shared Set Shared Set +downloaded "downloaded"
Shared Set Shared Set +downloads "downloads"
Learn why modified broad negatives don't work as expected

Negative Keyword Match Types

Match Type Explanation Example Blocked Searches Allowed Searches
Negative Exact Ad will not show if search term matches the negative keyword exactly. Leather boots Leather boot,
Buy leather boots,
Leather boots for sale
Negative Phrase Ad will not show if search term contains this exact phrase, including search terms with other words placed before or after the phrase. "Leather boots" Leather boots,
Buy leather boots
Leather boot,
Boots real leather,
Boots genuine leather
Negative Broad Ad will not show when a search term contains these terms in any order. Leather boots Leather boots,
Buy leather boots,
Boots genuine leather
Leather boot,
Leather bootmaking
This improvement was last updated 2 days ago, using data from the last 48 days.